Key Fob Programming and Replacement
As mentioned on our car key programming page, your key is a piece of highly sophisticated technology. When you lock your vehicle from your living room, you are using a component of your key called a fob. The easiest way to think of your car key fob is as the electronic part of your key. This is what allows you to click a button on your car key and have only your car responds, as well as what ensures that no one else can do the same to your car without your specific key. In some cases, your car key fob may lose its programming, preventing your car from recognizing its signal. To rectify this, we can perform key fob programming and replacement. In order to program your car key fob, we will need to conduct a series of processes within your car or use specialized equipment. This depends on the make and model of your car.
However, if your fob has become broken and unable to retain programming, you may need a full replacement. How long and extensive this process will depend on the type of fob your car key uses. For example, traditional car key fobs just unlock and lock your car, while most modern ones also allow you to open your trunk or gas tank cover. More technologically advanced car key fobs allow you to start your car from a distance as well. This is often referred to as a keyless fob because it usually means you don’t need a key at all.
At Car Key Replacement Raleigh we offer complete service for key fobs for all makes and models of vehicles. Feel free to contact us to talk with a car key fob expert about your needs.